Database navigation

  • English material databases:


Name Links
51CTO Access to the database
A&HCI (Arts & Humanities Citation Index) Access to the database
AAS(American Astronomical Society) Access to the database
ABI/INFORM Collection Access to the database
Academic Search Complete (EBSCOhost) Access to the database
ACI(American Concrete Institute) Access to the database
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Access to the database
ACS (American Chemical Society journals) Access to the database
AGU (American Geophysical Union) Access to the database
AIAA(The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) Access to the database
AIMS (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences) Access to the database
AIP (American Institute of Physics) Access to the database
Airiti Library Access to the database
AM (Access Medicine) Access to the database
AMA (American Medical Association) Access to the database
Annual Reviews Access to the database
APA PsycArticles Access to the database
APS (American Physical Society) Access to the database
Artlib Access to the database
AS (Access Surgery) Access to the database
ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) Access to the database
ASM (American Society for Microbiology) Access to the database
ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Access to the database
ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Access to the database
Beck-Online Access to the database
Bentham Science Access to the database
BH (Begell House) Access to the database
blyun(百链云图书馆) Access to the database
BMA (British Medical Association ) Access to the database
BSOL(British Standards Online) Access to the database
Business Source Complete (EBSCOhost) Access to the database
BVD-BankFocus Access to the database
BVD-Orbis M&A Access to the database
BvD-Osiris Access to the database
CADAL (China Academic Digital Associative Library) Access to the database
CAS AM (CAS Analytical Methods) Access to the database
CAS SFn (CAS SciFinder n) Access to the database
CBO (Cambridge Books Online) Access to the database
CEB (Cengage eBook Collection on CNPeReading)  Access to the database
CEIC Database Access to the database
Cell Press Access to the database
Chao Xing eBooks Access to the database
Chemical Industry Press eBooks Access to the database
China Digital Library Access to the database
China Local Gazetteers(Wangfang Data) Access to the database
China Science and Technology Journal Database Access to the database
China Social Science Excellence Access to the database
China Standards Database Access to the database
Chinese Newspaper of Modern China Sin Wan Pao (1893~1949) Access to the database
CJCDA (Cambridge Journals Complete Digital Archive) Access to the database
CJO (Cambridge Journals Online) Access to the database
CL (The Cochrane Library) Access to the database
CNKI resources database Access to the database
CNPeReading Access to the database
CP (Cell Press) Access to the database
CPCI (Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science ) Access to the database
CRC (CRCnetbase) Access to the database
CRC (CRC Press) Access to the database
CSSCI(Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index) Access to the database
Database of Chinese Classics Ancient Books Access to the database
Database of Modern Chinese Newspapers Access to the database
De Gruyter Access to the database
Designer's Home Digital Library Access to the database
DI (Derwent Innovation) Access to the database
DII (Derwent Innovations Index) Access to the database
Dragonsource Electronic Periodical reading room Access to the database
drcnet Access to the database
duxiu(读秀知识库) Access to the database
Early Twentieth Century Books in China Access to the database
EBC(ProQuest Ebook Central Academic Complete) Access to the database
EBO (Encyclopedia Britannica Online) Access to the database
Ebooks Airiti Library Access to the database
EBSCO (EBSCOhost) Access to the database
EBSCO consortia subject collection (15 databases) Access to the database
EI (EI Compendex) Access to the database
EL (Ebook Library) Access to the database
Elsevier ScienceDirect Access to the database
EMBO (EMBO reports) Access to the database
EMBO (The EMBO Journal) Access to the database
Emerald Ebooks Access to the database
Emerald eJournals Access to the database
EMS (The European Mathematical Society) Access to the database
Endnote (Endnote) Access to the database
ESI (Essential Science Indicators) Access to the database
Frontiers (Frontiers) Access to the database
Gale Business: Insights Access to the database
Global Science Press Access to the database
GPD(Global Product Database) Access to the database
HeinOnline-Journals Access to the database
ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers) Access to the database
IEEE/IET (IEEE/IET Electronic Library) Access to the database
IMechE(The Institution of Mechanical Engineers) Access to the database
InCites (InCites) Access to the database
INFOBANK Access to the database
InfoSci®-Books(IGI Global) Access to the database
Innography Access to the database
Innojoy Access to the database
INSPEC (INSPEC) Access to the database
IOP (IOP Electronic Journals) Access to the database
IP (International Press) Access to the database
Iresearch Access to the database
ISTP (Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings) Access to the database
ITJ (Intel Technology Journal) Access to the database
IWA (International Water Association) Access to the database
JCR Web (Journal Citation Reports on the Web) Access to the database
JingDong Reading Access to the database
JoVE(JoVE) Access to the database
JS (Journal Storage) Access to the database
Keledge Access to the database
Knovel Access to the database
Koolearn Interactive Oral English Platform Access to the database
Kuke Digital Music Library Access to the database
LC(Linguistics Collection) Access to the database
Lexis Advance Access to the database
Literature Online (Literature Online) Access to the database
LWW (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) Access to the database
Marklines (Marklines) Access to the database
MathSciNet (MathSciNet) Access to the database
MSP (Mathematical Sciences Publisher) Access to the database
Multimedia Library Access to the database
Nature (Nature) Access to the database
NEJM (The New England Journal of Medicine) Access to the database
Netlibrary (Netlibrary) Access to the database
NG (Nature Geoscience) Access to the database
Nietzsche Online Access to the database
NMR data Access to the database
NoteExpress Access to the database
OALIB (OALIB) Access to the database
OCLC (OCLC First Search) Access to the database
OJC(Oxford Journals Collection) Access to the database
Optica (Formerly OS A) Access to the database
OSO (Oxford Scholarship Online)  Access to the database
OVID (OVID) Access to the database
PatentSight Access to the database
PC (Palgrave Connect) Access to the database
PE (Project Euclid) Access to the database
People's Daily Access to the database
PKU law (北大法宝) Access to the database
PNAS (PNAS) Access to the database
PQDT-G(ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global) Access to the database
PQDT(ProQuest Dissertations & Theses) Access to the database
Project Euclid Access to the database
ProQuest Research Library Access to the database
Pubmed (Pubmed) Access to the database
RSC (RSC Journals) Access to the database
SAE (SAE Digital Library) Access to the database
SAGE (SAGE Research Methods and Cases) Access to the database
SC (Scitation Collection) Access to the database
Science Online Access to the database
ScienceReading Access to the database
SciVal (SciVal) Access to the database
Scopus (Scopus) Access to the database
SEG (SEG Digital Library) Access to the database
shenbao (申报) Access to the database
ShuXiang Tongji Access to the database
SIAM(Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics ) Access to the database
SinoMed Access to the database
SL (SpringerLink) Access to the database
SM (SpringerMaterals) Access to the database
SOA (Socolar Open Access) Access to the database
SP (SAGE Premier ) Access to the database
SPIE (SPIE) Access to the database
SP(Springer Protocols) Access to the database
SRP (Scientific Research Publishing) Access to the database
SSCI (SSCI) Access to the database
ssvideo(超星学术视频) Access to the database
T&F (Taylor & Francis SSH) Access to the database
T&F (Taylor & Francis) Access to the database
Ta Kung Pao Access to the database
The Cochrane Library Access to the database
The Late Qing Full-text DB (1816~1911) Access to the database
The North-China Daily News & Herald DB(1850~1951) Access to the database
TSP (Tech science press) Access to the database
TVMVDB Access to the database
UCPB (The University of Chicago Press Books) Access to the database
USMLEasy (USMLEasy) Access to the database
Wanfang Database Access to the database
Westlaw Classic Access to the database
Wiley-Blackwell Journals Access to the database
Wiley-Blackwell Literature Encyclopedia Access to the database
WOL (Wiley Online Library) Access to the database
Wolters Kluwer China Law & Reference(威科法律先行数据库) Access to the database
Worldlib Database Access to the database
Worldscitific (Worldscitific) Access to the database
WOS (Web of Science) Access to the database
WSN(WorldSciNet) Access to the database
zhizhen(超星发现系统) Access to the database
Zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng sī xiǎng lǐ lùn zī yuán shù jù kù Access to the database
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