Database navigation

  • English material databases:


Name Links
ICE (Institution of Civil Engineers) Access to the database
IEEE/IET (IEEE/IET Electronic Library) Access to the database
IMechE(The Institution of Mechanical Engineers) Access to the database
InCites (InCites) Access to the database
INFOBANK Access to the database
InfoSci®-Books(IGI Global) Access to the database
Innography Access to the database
Innojoy Access to the database
INSPEC (INSPEC) Access to the database
IOP (IOP Electronic Journals) Access to the database
IP (International Press) Access to the database
Iresearch Access to the database
ISTP (Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings) Access to the database
ITJ (Intel Technology Journal) Access to the database
IWA (International Water Association) Access to the database
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