Database navigation

  • English material databases:


Name Links
Early Twentieth Century Books in China Access to the database
EBC(ProQuest Ebook Central Academic Complete) Access to the database
EBO (Encyclopedia Britannica Online) Access to the database
Ebooks Airiti Library Access to the database
EBSCO (EBSCOhost) Access to the database
EBSCO consortia subject collection (15 databases) Access to the database
EI (EI Compendex) Access to the database
EL (Ebook Library) Access to the database
Elsevier ScienceDirect Access to the database
EMBO (EMBO reports) Access to the database
EMBO (The EMBO Journal) Access to the database
Emerald Ebooks Access to the database
Emerald eJournals Access to the database
EMS (The European Mathematical Society) Access to the database
Endnote (Endnote) Access to the database
ESI (Essential Science Indicators) Access to the database
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